introduction to our newsletters

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Have you ever felt uncertain about your management, supervisory or leadership skills? Wondered if there was a better way to do things? We at ydangle believe that the electronic medium is ideal for passing on the wisdom gained by experienced executives and trainers over the years in small chunks with people wanting to grow their personal leadership and business skills base.

This message follows the format we will use each week to pass on fundamental ideas, pointers and checklists.  Some will be new, some may be reminders but each will be aimed at very usable information you can apply straight away in whatever role you have in business, social or family structures. 

We will be using topical events and current blog discussions from readers to build each newsletter. Our Coaching team will overlay their wide ranging experience at all organizational levels. 

Each newsletter will be on a single page so as to focus the guidance shared and will provide useful ideas and tools for managers, leaders and ydangler's. The ydangle site also offers a easy access to a forum for discussion of your concerns with like minded people.

BUT – do YOU need coaching?

Ever been coached as a member of a sports team? Remember a teacher who let you get on with things, but always seemed in the background to guide you along. A coach in your career will help you build on the base you have established, but using the coach’s wisdom and experience to allow you improve your game. 

Remember it is a two way process and merely listening to the coach will not change your way of doing things. You need to ponder the suggestions, relate them to your circumstances, accept they can help you – then try them out, and adopt the learning to make it ‘the way I do things’. Each week the coaching tips will discuss one aspect of leadership, life skills or business management. You need 10 minutes a week to read and reflect and then put them into practice.


The Coach’s comments are short focused guidance

They build on each other over a period of time

You need to spend quality time reflecting on their benefit for you

You MUST practice them immediately and regularly

You should refer back to them as needed when issues crop up

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