Leader Skills: Having a 'Teachable point of view'

We have often referred to the communication role of a leader. Dealing with people leaders are always faced with the challenge of making sure all followers are aligned, understand the vision or direction and the driving metrics of the leaders decision making. Professor Noel Tichy once referred to this as having a 'teachable point of view' - I think this describes very clearly the role for the leader.

A good leader will be able to very simply and clearly state his or her position on any topics, but especially those topics and issues directly related to the task at hand. This is not always as easy as it sounds at first glance. To be able to talk in simple clear terms one has to have a very clear understanding of the topic as well as a firm belief in what one is saying. To do this the leader must have spent quality time thinking through the topic or decision. Sometimes it will be easy and straight forward but at other times it may mean taking a group of reluctant followers on a path they do not necessarily want to follow or are comfortable with. This is where the great leaders are able to keep the metric of success at 'front of mind' and armed with a 'teachable point of view' communicate the way forward to their followers.

How does one build this skill you may ask? As with most things in life it requires an acceptance of the need and then trial and error in practicing it - start small and develop 'view' on topics in the newspaper, during a TV show or even in discussion around a braai or dinner table - always try to establish what your own view is on the issue and then share it with those around you. Of course learn the balance between being clear and simple in your explanation rather than dogmatic and know-all or you may find yourself excluded from your circle of friends - similar to what will happen if you follow the same tactic in your leadership role!

Till next week

Key take-outs:

- Carefully think through and understand your view on topical issues

- Practice stating your views with friends and family

- Realize your initial views may be clouded or have missed some key influencers if you have not researched and tested it adequately

- Keep your view simple and clear and make sure it supports your metric of success

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