Leadership Lesson - Use relationship links to up the ante

I was reminded recently of a simple formula that reflects relationships between two aspects of work performance. All leaders are keen to ensure that their team members are performing at a high level, especially but not only in the business environment.

Past experiments by V H Vroom in the area of performance led him to conclude that there is a close relationship between ability and motivation. In fact he referred to the following formula to highlight this:

performance = (ability X motivation)

but what struck me as particularly relevant for leaders is to understand that the relationship is not additive but rather a multiplicative relationship (geared up). What this means is that when ability to perform a task and motivation are combined small increases in one element can have a bigger effect on overall performance so that for example an increase in motivation for high ability staff can give an geared up gain in terms of performance benefits.

Further to fostering motivation for team members a good leader can also help with a focus on the training and development of the ability of the team member. On going development especially of a highly motivated team or staff member can have high performance benefits.

Another area to consider is in the selection process of team members - extra effort up front to find high ability candidates who can be motivated further can set a winning platform for performance.

Till next week

Key take-outs:

- There is a multiplicative relationship between ability and motivation.

- Small increases in either ability or motivation can deliver a significant improvement in high motivation or ability staff performance.

- Recruit with both ability and motivation potential in mind. 

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