Leadership Tool - Practice sketching out your ideas to give them structure

Quite often we as leaders are faced with problems or challenges that need to be carefully thought through before a final decision. One of the tools many leaders use is to sketch out the problem on a page, flipchart , white-board or even these days an iPad or PC using mind-mapping software. It is a bit like the second stage of brain storming where one groups together like concepts into categories, except one only does this after a thinking stage, not a random brain dump so it is a bit more focused.

For example if the challenge is to find a new customer (assuming you are not using a prospect pipeline process) you will probably jot down a sequence of activities along the lines of:

* What's the outcome you want (metric)?

* What product?

* Who are likely customers ?

* What is their purchasing criteria?

* Where and how are they likely to shop for it ?

* How do I contact  them before they decide ?

* What is the competition to my product ?

* How much will the market bear as a price?

The layout will provide a road map type flow for your problem that often helps to trigger additional thoughts and links. In the example above it will lead to a focus on more defined groups of possible customers, that with further refinement will give a target market segment to concentrate on in finding your next customer.

Once the key points are laid out it becomes easier to spot links and gaps so that as a decision maker one can work towards a well thought out solution and at the same time ensure all the key aspects have been considered.

Till next week

Key take-outs:

Be clear on the desired outcome

Use visual layout to create a map of any problem

Look for relationships and links that need consideration or addressing

Revisit your layout with a fresh pair of eyes occasionally.

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